
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Radiant Visions

Information about Photos:
Beaded Jaguar Head by Alexandro Carillo circa 2005. (Carved out wood to make the animal figure, then bees wax or pine resin is spread all around to create a sticky surface for the beads to lay on. Cool huh?)

A picture of the Huichol walking down a hill. They call themselves "The people". In their native language Wixárika, "Wixáritari" means "the people."

Huichol man painting his face prior to undergoing a peyote pilgrimage. Photo by Peter Collings, 1972.

Huichol wall painting

Huichol men and young man
(I love their colors!!!)

I have always been inspired by art. I am kind of conditioned to enjoy it due to my upbringing in a family of artists. All types of art have weaved in and out through out my life; beautiful ribbons of artistic value circulating around my soul, simply making up a part of who I truly am inside. I am an artist. I do not make tons of money.I make happiness. Happiness that resonates within' my heart and entire being.
I have been VERY intrigued by the beautiful art done by the Huichol Tribe. The pictures shown above are all those of the Huichol indigenous people that reside in the Sierra Madre Mountains of Mexico. They are known for their sacred art. The yarn paintings and the glass bead work all represent their visions from the peyote they take. All of the art they create through the images of corn, feathers, the eye of God, water, flowers, peyote, and the deer, represent their beliefs about life and death. It is said that the deer is a guide in their vision quest, and if they spot the deer then they are aware that the visions they are invited to see are sacred. I am in  love with how natural the whole process is from star to finish! Their art is just a rare form of beauty!!
I have been truly inspired by many different projects lately. I started dancing and rehearsing as a backup dancer with a couple of friends from FCC Dance. They are now with an awesome group called NoCo, (Fresno dance Collective). Follow their twitter here! :) If you live in the area, I highly recommend that you also see their performances done with other performers around Fresno. All of them are amazing! My body is so mad at me but happy at the same time because I jumped the train with a group of very talented dancers who have never stopped dancing. Ugh!! Why did I have to stop for those couple of years?!?!? I feel like I have been repeating myself over and over again, telling people that "I have not danced for three years!" Then I laugh and look away....awkward!!! I do admit that I am surprised at how quick my body can adjust :) Thank god for video too. Thank you dancers!  But honestly, everyone is super nice and easy going. I really dig the atmosphere and energy from everyone!!! And not to mention seeing my good friend Eleanor every Monday is really making me feel an old peace. Remember that old friends always stay true!