Dear Elya,
Hello little lady. Today I wanted to catch up because Mama has been M.I.A lately. Our computer broke lovie! Believe mama when I say I have been craving to post more pictures of you and FOR you.
Recently you started eating more solids, and the other day I tried something awesome.
Your mama is going to get you to be a super eater and I think we are well on our way...
Love Mama.
P.S. It's really hard for me to change that diaper of yours lately. You just have so much control over those muscles its ridiculous!! You try to even pull yourself up if you are close to something to hold onto. Mama may have a lil' dancer on her hands...
.::::Leek and Potato Puree::::.
I peeled and chopped up four small russet potatoes and boiled them. In a small pan I cooked the leeks in butter for about seven minutes until tender. (I had to look online for a leek recipe because this was indeed MY first time trying a leek!) I wasn't too sure how to cook the leeks from the Annabel Karmel recipe.
After the leeks and potatoes were ready, I put the leeks into the potatoes and drained the remaining liquid into the potatoes as well. I then pureed the mixture in her Annabel Karmel Mill. I also received a couple recipe cards in which the leek/potato/and pee puree was included. I left out the peas because I didn't have any at the time.Super rad. Super simple. If you are a mama who is into making your own baby food, you should definitely check out the Annabel Karmel website.
Elya was so interested in her first bite. I don't think she knew what to think!
After taking a few bites she absolutely made this into her favorite meal. The other night I mixed it with her roasted carrot puree I made.
I prepare all of this ahead of time and freeze my food. I take out what I want to feed her the night before and place it into the fridge so it can thaw for lunch and dinner. To heat up the food I place it on the stove and double boil it until warm. We don't have a micro. We're too cool for that.
Plus, Kyle and I don't want to let radiation into our home.
..:::: BOMB DIGGITY! ::::..
As for me lately, I have been focusing on my art. I am opening up my own shop on Etsy where I plan on selling the doo dads I make. I really do not want to get into detail about what is up and coming, but let me just say its going to be stellar. Everything is still in the making, but I do have a couple pieces up for sale here.
I feel myself feeling a bit lethargic lately and do not feel like putting any make-up on or even dressing up. I apologize for not doing any posts like that but I soon promise my wardrobe will be up to date soon. I mean, I could post my awesome "not-giving-a-*&$%-hippie-homeless" outfits I practically live in from day to day.
Don't judge. I am comfortable and cool. I am warm in my long skirts, tights and multi-colored, psychedelic patterns. I guess I can show you...but then my blog would be a mix of baby advice from myself as a new mama, my fashion sense and letters to Elya all wrapped up into one giant hairball. I can dig it.
Until next time,
Peace and Kisses