My lil' two year old toddy Elya loves anything frozen. Daddy and I are now at the point where we are moving the chairs away because she pushes them to the freezer for treats! I usually make apple sauce chewies, but this time as I was mixing oatmeal for my six month old MaryJane, and being witty, Kyle gave me a brilliant idea. He suggested to put some chunky banana pieces mixed with some of Elya's oatmeal to enjoy while MaryJane enjoyed hers :-) I added the frozen vanilla soymilk to everything (except MaryJanes) to freeze around the oatmeal and banana. Teething babies need their cold treats!! And toddlers love this nutritional pop!!!!!! I included step by step photos and instructions for all you lovelys who would like to try this (>^:^<) Xo.!