Elya Marie Pounder
Born Tuesday, May 31, 2011 @ 2:18p
7 lbs 8 oz 21 1/4 in
Room 631
Saint Agnes Hospital, Fresno, CA
Dear Baby Girl,
I am writing you this letter six months later after your birth. I am writing to you so you will know the story of your arrival onto Earth :) You finally arrived on May 31st!! I love and adore you so much!
I was so afraid the night before my induction on May30th. It was an extreme fear of the unknown baby! Momma, or (ney-ney, as you call me right now) went through such an amazing experience with you!
Dorothy helped deliver you, and Dr. Miramontes delivered you. Daddy watched you and helped me out with my pain. He helped me push and helped me concentrate on your arrival :) I saw you crowning through the reflection in the picture because Daddy told Dr. to show Mama! I was so scared to look, but when I saw you, I could not describe the words and the feelings that overcame me!!! I pushed and pushed and pushed and finally Daddy told me you were a GIRL!!!!!! I knew had I felt your essence of femininity the whole entire time! :) .::smiles forever::.
You are my baby girl Elya Marie Pounder.
The whole time I was pregnant everyone thought you may be a boy! I even took funny little wives-tale tests to see who might be growing. Stefanie even wrote us a funny little card that was for a baby boy. Your Mimi was the only one who knew, and let me tell you; That woman can keep a secret! Our connection was raw and real. I knew you were a baby girl. We are mother and daughter forever and ever and ever.
I am glad you entered safe and beautiful. Our flawless lil' bunny!!
Daddy and I love you Baby Girl ♥
Love Always,
Mama (Ney-ney)
I really cannot explain this day in words. My whole body was vibrating with love and emotion for this little child brought into this world. I was in awe when our eyes met. I saw love and patience. I am in love with our new baby girl Elya. I can't wait to show the development throughout other posts! She is already at twenty-four weeks old and LOVES TO EAT! More to come soon...
peace and smiles